The Lives And Times Of A Quilter's Cats

Random thoughts of three or four cats and I about the importance of wearing slippers if you happen to share your home with a quiltmaker who drops pins, and other similar and related nonsense, from fabric to gardening and of course, about the cats who inspire all this madness. En inglés y en español.

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Location: Idaho, United States

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Of Shrillbert and Nearly Insane

Originally uploaded by mlbatres.

"She just goes a little mad sometimes. We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven't you?" (Norman Bates, Psycho).

If there is such thing as reincarnation, Shrillbert, the youngest cat in the crowder is Norman Bates reincarnated in a light version wearing a cat coat. His attachment to me is uncanny. I can almost hear him say "moooooooother!!!" when he meows.

Shillbert is very passionate about everything he does, whether meowing or wanting attention or mauling his cat toys. Shrillbert came in 3 years ago now. His first memory of living indoors must be me sitting while quilting my Dear Jane. It didn't take him very long to figure out whatever was in the quilting hoop got my undivided attention. Soon he was sitting inside the hoop every time I took the quilt off. That is very much our story the last three years. He gets what he wants just about all the time.

As of lately, he's been getting between me and the light when I am hand piecing blocks. I've been piecing blocks for a Nearly Insane quilt for the last two and a half years, just recently having reached mid point. I wonder how much of Shrill's passion has rubbed on me, or for that matter, how much of his insanity. Each block is like a little quilt all on its own. Naming quilts is not an easy thing, at least for me, but after having pieced a few of these little blocks, I knew it had to be Gone Bananas, Be Back Shortly. Shrillbert's insanity is contagious, obviously. I hope his passion is as well.

"Ella está un poco loca a veces. Todos nos volvemos un poco locos a veces. Y tú? (Norman Bates, Psicosis)

Si la reencarnación existe, Shrillbert, el gato más joven del grupo, es Norman Bates reencarnado en una versión light con abriguito de pieles. Me quiere en extremo. A veces creo oirle decir "Maaaaadreeee" cuando maulla.

Shrillbert es pasional en todo lo que hace, maullando, pidiendo atención o rompiendo sus juguetes. Entró hace tres años ahora. Sus primeras memorias de la casa deben ser de mí acolchando Dear Jane. No tardó mucho en darse cuenta de que lo que estuviese en el bastidor recibía mi atención completa. Desde entonces se sienta en el bastidor cuando no tiene un edredón. Es la historia de los tres ultimos años. Shrillbert recibe todo lo que quiere casi siempre.

Ultimamente se mete entre mi flexo y yo cuando estoy cosiendo. Llevo cosiendo a mano bloques para el Nearly Insane dos años y medio, llevo más o menos la mitad hechos. Me pregunto si la pasión de Shrillbert se me ha pegado, o su locura. Cada bloque es un edredón en pequeño. Poner nombre a un edredón nunca me ha resultado fácil, pero con éste casi desde el principio sabía que se iba a llamar "Me he vuelto loca, enseguida vuelvo". Obviamente, la locura de Shrillbert es contagiosa. Espero que su pasión también lo sea.


Blogger violetazul said...

Ohhh! our babies!!
And I wonder, any of them is jealous from the others?. Or from de quilts??
Trufo this days is hiding all the bags with my DJ blocks. He wants all my attention.

6:36 AM  
Blogger SheMeows said...

Jealousy, that's another entire blog :)

Trufo is a dear, no wonder he hides the DJ blocks!

10:56 AM  

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