The Lives And Times Of A Quilter's Cats

Random thoughts of three or four cats and I about the importance of wearing slippers if you happen to share your home with a quiltmaker who drops pins, and other similar and related nonsense, from fabric to gardening and of course, about the cats who inspire all this madness. En inglés y en español.

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Location: Idaho, United States

Monday, February 19, 2007

Still Around

It's been a month, nearly. About time I'd post before I forget how to do it. I've just not been doing much of anything, quilty or otherwise. Not totally bone idle, though. At least, I've put a stitch here and a stitch there, so I can say I am finally working on the last Nearly Insane block. This has been the progress since I last posted. I shouldn't have left the worst for last, I will have to remember that if/when I start another sampler. They weren't particularly difficult, it was just a matter of not liking them a whole lot.

On a totally different topic. My mother is a superb cross stitcher. She's the neatest stitcher I know, the back of her work looks just about as good as the front does.
I made a huswife of sorts for my secret sister this past Christmas, cross stitched with Quaker motifs. I love the way it turned out, but since embroidery is not one of my strengths, I wanted one for myself, but didn't want to make it. Talking about it with my mother, she offered to do the cross stitch for me. How long do you think it took to say yes? :) I received it a couple weeks ago, and when I saw it, I almost decided it's too pretty to be made into a case that will get wear and tear. I have nearly decided it to frame it instead.

And one more thing: Angelina, still around, still braver than most all hamsters and as you can see, still not fond of posing for snapshots!

Hace ya casi un mes que no escribo. Ya iba siendo hora de que me pusiera, antes de que se me olvide como se hace. No he hecho mucho, ni de patch ni de nada, pero tampoco es que no haya hecho nada. He estado intentando terminar los bloques del Nearly Insane que me faltaban. Gracias a Dios, ya estoy haciendo el último. La foto es de los últimos que he hecho. No debería haber dejado lo peor para el final... y no es que fueran difíciles, es simplemente que no me gustaban.

Pasando a otra cosa. Mi madre es una de las personas que conozco que hace mejor punto de cruz. Sus labores están tan bien terminadas que el revés se ve tan bonito como el derecho. En navidades, para un regalo para mi amiga secreta, hice un estuche de agujas de punto de cruz, con motivos Quaker. El punto de cruz no es uno de mis fuertes, y hablando con mi madre le dije que me gustaría hacerme uno, pero que no me apetecía hacerlo. Se ofreció a hacerme el punto de cruz y tardé como un segundo en decirle que sí :) Me llegó hace un par de semanas y es tan bonito que me parece que lo voy a enmarcar.

Y por último, Angelina, que sigue siendo el hamster más valiente del mundo y a la que no le gusta posar para fotos, como podeís ver!

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