The Lives And Times Of A Quilter's Cats

Random thoughts of three or four cats and I about the importance of wearing slippers if you happen to share your home with a quiltmaker who drops pins, and other similar and related nonsense, from fabric to gardening and of course, about the cats who inspire all this madness. En inglés y en español.

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Location: Idaho, United States

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Honey, Wipe Your Feet!

Before you come in the hive, would you please wipe your feet?
A bee after having had a good time inside a pumpkin blossom the other morning.

Cariño, antes de entrar en la colmena hazme el favor de usar el felpudo!
Una abeja que acababa de salir de una flor de la calabaza la otra mañana. Se lo debió pasar en grande.

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Blogger la tieta Rosa said...

no entiendo como puedes hacer estas fotos tan maravillosas!!!!

2:47 AM  
Blogger Paula said...

BUENISISMO (el comentario y la foto)

5:04 AM  

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